
Moon 2 Mars Festival
Space Center Houston

Energizing space exploration


Space Center Houston


Houston, Texas, USA




Space Center Houston’s Moon 2 Mars Festival, held from March 13th to March 16th, 2024, during Spring Break, brings together space and science enthusiasts of all ages for a celebration of exploration and discovery. The festival features family-friendly activities, live music, and culinary delights, offering attendees an immersive experience in the wonders of space. The event aims to bring people closer to space and foster interest in science and technology.

Sustainability initiatives

As part of the festival’s commitment to sustainability, new activations were introduced to minimize environmental impact and promote eco-friendly practices. The iconic Moon 2 Mars display was revamped with a reusable inflatable, replacing the previous single-use balloon display. Additionally, festival-goers had the opportunity to bust out their dance moves on the kinetic dancefloor, where their movements generated renewable energy to power LED lights. Furthermore, attendees explored the Space X Falcon 9 Booster exhibit, showcasing the future of space travel through reusable technology.

Activation Concept

In response to the client’s need for an engaging entertainment activation, Energy Floors provided a kinetic dancefloor with a personalized energy dashboard and a 230cm tall LED battery display. This bespoke installation not only entertained festival-goers but also introduced them to the concept of sustainable energy generation through human movement. By merging entertainment with technology and sustainability, the activation aimed to inspire curiosity and interest in science among attendees, particularly children and young adults.

Challenges and solutions

The primary challenge was to deliver a kinetic dancefloor that met the client’s entertainment requirements while aligning with the festival’s theme of space exploration. Energy Floors addressed this challenge by customizing the dance floor to include personalized features and ensuring its seamless integration into the festival environment. Additionally, the team ensured that the technological components of the installation were user-friendly and engaging for attendees of all ages. Festival-goers had the opportunity to dance and interact with the energy dashboard, gaining insights into sustainable energy generation and its relevance to space exploration.


Future directions

The success of the kinetic dancefloor installation at the Moon 2 Mars Festival underscores the potential for integrating sustainable energy solutions into entertainment experiences. Energy Floors looks forward to collaborating with future events and festivals to further promote the intersection of technology, sustainability, and entertainment.

Discover how Energy Floors can elevate your event with sustainable and interactive experiences. Contact us today to explore customized solutions that engage and inspire your audience.

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