An entrance says a lot about your company or business. Impressions are often made before stepping in. There are many creative options for a smart entrance, both outside the building and upon entry. Explore some of our ideas:
1. Stadiums and Arenas
These are ideal locations especially during busy sports seasons. Thousands of fans flock to the stadiums to be spectators of their favourite team so it makes sense to take advantage of the opportunities.
There are multiple entrances to a stadium where outdoor smart and solar panels can be installed. These can be used to display useful information such as the name or number of the entrance gate, directions or colour coordination. In addition, a visual display of solar energy production can be on screen throughout parts of the building.
Stadiums and arenas can also leverage the footfall inside with kinetic floor modules from fans walking to their seats.
These venues are multi-functional too, often used for big concerts or live events. Take for example Coldplay who are using our Sustainable Kinetic Dancefloor in the standing area of their concerts for fans to engage with as they dance.
2. Hotels
Premium and luxury hotels are always exciting to visit and experience, though most of the aesthetic attention is given to the hotel room. Architects and designers can elevate the customer experience with a unique and engaging floor solution. As guests arrive and step out of the taxi, they can be greeted with a welcome message on the smart floors, or any other useful data.
3. Shopping Malls
Centres of commerce are spaces in which other business can showcase their sustainable efforts. But the building itself can also follow suit. Take for example the Green Pea shopping mall in Turin, Italy where our kinetic floors feature at the entrances to the building. Real-time energy generation is displayed on screens for visitors to see. The energy generated is also used to help charge electronic devices.
4. Museums
Our kinetic floors are already present at a handful of museums and science centres around the globe. But the museums experience can be elevated with a captivating entry. Our smart and solar floor modules can function as an outdoor exhibition as part of the museum. It is a great way to excite and educate visitors on their way in.
Additionally, an artistic display to match the theme of the museum can be designed and programmed into the floors at both the entrance and exit.
5. State Buildings
Like museums, state buildings, be they stately homes, castles, palaces or town halls are often attractions for tourists, families, and historians. Many undergo refurbishment from time to time when they’re current infrastructure is no longer fit for purpose. As part of the renovation work, an entrance with a bespoke floor solution can add to the grandeur and elegance of the location. It will also relay to the public that the state is aware of pressing environmental issues.